1 readme text1.3 kbDownload  
146.490 Simplex NET Script32 kbDownload  
Area Station Roster22 kbDownload  
Ham Net Committee Charter83 kbDownload  
ICS 213 Message Form14 kbDownload  
Linked Repeater Agreement183 kbDownload  
Master Station Roster24 kbDownload  
MCARC By-Laws (REV 01/2013)46 kbDownload  
MCARC Constitution (REV )01/2013)63 kbDownload  
MCARC Emergency Frequencies35 kbDownload  
MCARC MCT SOP116 kbDownload  
NCS Notes36 kbDownload  
NCS Operation Roster13 kbDownload  
NCS Standby Roster16 kbDownload  
Personal Station Logsheet2 kbDownload  
MAXX DIGITAL S.A.M.E. Weather Radio61 kbDownload  
RadioGram7.3 kbDownload  
RadioGram Instructions17 kbDownload  
SkyWARN Event Log24 kbDownload  
2m / 70cm phone NET scriptsFolder  
WR100 Cheat Sheet61 kbDownload  
Weather Radio58 kbDownload  
NCS Forms (ZIP)663 kbDownload  
Scanner Freqencies37 kbDownload  
Foxhunt References103 kbbutton3c  
DIY Antenna Resources195 kbDownload  
Hamfest Flyer 202471.8 Kb Download   

Contact Us

                  The MCARC maintains a email list that we use to email club announcements, updates to website, for trade or sale items. It is run by HUMANS!
To subscribe to the list, simply click this 
link and enter your info and you will be subscribed.
On every email we send, there is an unsubscribe link, use it to unsubscribe.

You can also contact Mike Elkins at 423-506-0225 with any questions or send an email to mcminnradio@gmail.com