September 2024
Susan did the prayer, Darris did the pledge
Roll call: 22 people in attendance
President Mike Elkins: Meigs 10/3 430-730 will be taking the trailer and both Meigs and Decatur clubs will be there, Kicking it With Kids (also a coats for kids event)
Treasure Alicia Parham: The treasure’s report was read and passed. 38 current members, 4 life members.
Secretary Chan Patrick: Corrections or additions, passed. Old motions: Motion was made to reimburse David for the amount that is on the receipts for updates at City Hall; 2nd money box is needed, a motion was made and passed.
VP Bobby Muphey: CASA run at Eureka trail on 10/12/24, trailer will also be at the Pumpkin Town event, possibly increase the Hamfest amount form $5 to $10 next year, will discuss next month, tabled till next month
Trustee David Baker: 820 repeater is still having issues, No Pone site one of the antennas is bent. The digipeater at city hall has hid its power been backed down because it is a 3:1 now. Should have a backup repeater since there is a problem with the 820 and Dale has one for $600, and we can switch that one out with Dale’s. 550 has packet and winkink gateway only now. Motion was made to buy Dale’s repeater, motion accepted. Motion was made to fix what we need fixed at City Hall and a bucket truck for No Pone, motion passed.
Old business: Chili dinner tickets and the upcoming events, 11/2 11-4.
New business: Kenny talked ACS and the upcoming disaster mock drill on 9/14 at the EOC from 9am -12 pm. The training will consist of being around radiation and how to help in case of an event. We will also be discussing how APRS will be used in the event of the disaster. The new website is up and it looks great. Motion was made to keep the new website, passed.
The meeting was adjourned
Mike did the closing prayer.
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