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To contact website editor:

mcminnradio@gmail.com or willhdavis82@gmail.com

July 2024 

Mike did the prayer, Bob did the pledge

Roll call: 22 people in attendance

President Mike Elkins: We have an electric lift on the trailer, the new generator/radios/electric life worked great

Treasure Alicia Parham: The treasure’s report was read and passed. 37 current members, 4 life members. 

Secretary Chan Patrick: Corrections or additions, passed. Old motions: Motion made to buy an electric crank for the trailer between $250-300, motion tabled to let Judy reach out to Gary to see if he has the free crank by 6/14, if not the motion is approved

VP Bobby Muphey (Darris Goforth): will be sending a list for people for Hamfest, went over details for this year’s Hamfest on July 20th, food vendor will be there by 6am, sound system is secured, the Hamfest winners will be sent out via handy talkies, will need help Friday to help set up for sat, went over front gate guidelines, Reed will bring items to test items, may get free doughnuts for the members and National Guard, Alicia will get the change the day before, Darris paid the domain name and hosting fees, Field Day had the most points they have had made in several years

Trustee David Baker:

Old business: Matt discussed the Fox Hunter, 830-1030 will have 4 transmitters, will be coming up to the podium to announce the winners, 

New business: will have a generator for auction, auctioned off for $450, the air conditioner needs to be fixed in the trailer, the fan does not work, motion made to fix or replace the fan in the van, decided to replaced the air unit, motion passed, will be getting 3 quotes, Aug 24th will be a fax hunt in Cleveland, the first sat in November will have a chili supper at Southern Homes and will have swap and shop across the road

The meeting was adjourned

Mike did the closing prayer.