MCARC MiniBlog

NWS Hazardous Weather Outlook

To contact website editor email:

MCARC Membership Application is available for download in our Club Documents.


Thanks to Larry (KO4ZHQ) and Mike (W1ELK) for installing the new electric jack onto our communication trailer this week. This was really needed and very much appreciated.



Friday June 22, 2024 is

our annual Ham Radio Field Day. Come out

have fun learn about Ham Radios and

meet some wonderful people.


President - Micheal Elkins W1ELK
Vice President - Robert Murphy W4BKX
Secretary - Chan Patrick - Chan Patrick KO4PKT
Treasurer - Deborah Wilson KE4OAT



Good Morning,

I wanted to thank everyone for preparing so much food, bringing items, and helping set up and clean up at the chili lunch / dinner.
I also appreciate you coming out and supporting the event.
I'm surprised that zero active police officers were there and that no hams came from other clubs since it was advertised with other clubs.
I appreciate those that invited others. If we have another lunch / dinner event there needs to be additional advertising that is wide spread.
The food was good and so was the company!

Thank you.



Dont forget the 146.49 simplex nets starts back this Tuesday @ 8:30pm.


Thank You to all that helped and participated in the MCARC"s 19th Annual Hamfest!
Once again good venders, good tailgaters, good food and good friends!
Thank you Matt KO4IYW for the Fox Hunting during the hamfest!


Don't forget the McMinnarc Hamfest this weekend Saturday July 15. To see the Hamfest Flyer
click on "Upcoming Events"above.
This year Matt KO4IYW will be hosting a fox hunt click HERE for the details!


The 146.490 simplex net will be on a hiatus (on pause) until October 3,2023



Congratulations Extra upgrades!!!!!

Susan Ward - KO4TEN
Bella Floyd -KQ4HOF
Laura Floyd-KO4ZEA
Alicia Parham - KO4ZEC
Mike Neyenhaus KQ4HOM


It is with great sadness that I mention
AA1SN Mike Lavoie is a Silent Key as of today.
He was best known on 160 meters on 1.910 carrying on
Prayers for the family


We have been able to link the 146.820 to the 145.150 thru wires-x
but we are doing it in analog!!!


No April fooling
Today Alicia KO4ZEC , Laura KO4ZEA, and Susan KO4TEN passed the General Exam.
Also Laura and Charlie's daughter Sarah and their granddaughter 10 year old
Bella both passed Technician level and General in the same day! Thanks go out
to the VE's Kelly, Will and Tina who gave of their time to test the group.


Mcminn Hamfest 2023


Don't forget the nets tonight. Ladies Net @ 8:00 on 441.800 and 146.820 net @ 8:30
On the 146.820 net we will take check ins by APRS messages to KG4OJL-1.
If you check in by APRS please check in by voice too if you can.


 Congratulations To Deborah Shell KQ4GCR on getting her Tech Ticket
Congratulations to Sarah Arnold for getting her Tech then her General Ticket



January 26


Happy New Year Ya'll!!

A couple of announcements:

--There will be testing Thursday January 26 at the Justice Center in the Community Room at 5:30pm.

-- Winter Field Day January 28 at Athens Regional Park. You might want to get there and set up around 10.
 Contesting starts at 2pm. We usually start with a get together at Hardee's on
 Congress Parkway around 8:30 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. I'll try to have the trailer
 at the park around 10 depending on what time we leave Hardees.
Everyone is invited to come radio some
 weather you contest or just want to make a contact.

--Calling volunteers for Hamfest needed. There will be a get together 1/20/23
 1pm at the Hardees on Congress Parkway. C'mon out and eat a bite, fellowship
and discuss the upcoming Hamfest in July.


Don't forget the eating meeting Monday at 6:30pm


Congratulations to Charlie Floyd on is upgrade to Extra Class!


The Athens Christmas Parade has been reschedule to Dec. 19.

Thank you Matt and crew for the great time with a Fox Hunt! If you missed it you missed a great time!
Thank you Matt ko04iyw and thank you Mike Farmer for the use of your facility.


C'mon out and support the Mcminn County Amatuer Radio Club!!
Saturday Nov. 12 at the Mcminn County Justice Center.
We are having a Chili lunch thru supper club benifit. 11a.m until 7p.m. Everyone is welcome.



- Lady's Net on 441.800 Monday Nov. 7th @ 8:15pm.

- 147.060 Net Mon Nov. 7th @ 8:45pm.

- Tuesday Night Simplex Net on 146.490 has been canceled due to the visitation and funeral service of Mary Ann Eiff. It will return Tuesday Nov. 15th @ 7:30pm (please note time change).

- Thurs. Tech Net Thurs. Nov. 10th @ 7:30pm (please note time change). 


It is with great sadness that I share with you the passing of Mary Ann Eiff W8MAE on 10/31/22. Mary Ann was a great asset to our club. I read another club member describe her as "The Mama Bear of The Club". Prayers for her husband Gary Eiff W3GME and family.
Companion Funeral and Cremations Services in Athens Tn. in charge.


It is with great sadness that I share with you the passing of Evan Ray WA4PNI on 10/22/22. Evan was a "Lifetime Member" in the McMinn County Amatuer Radio Club. Evan served the club for many years in all roles of the club. He will be greatly missed. Prayers for peace for his family.


It is with great sadness that I share with you the passing of Tracy Carter SK KA4JPB. Tracy, a long life club member of the McMinn County Amateur Radio Club and as a friend He passed away on October 21, 2022. Tracy was a great asset to the club and will be greatly missed.
Prayers goes out to the family.
Ziegler Funeral Home in charge. Listed under Charles-Tracy-Carter


 Oct. 8th 6:45am at Downtown Market. We will need 12 to 15 hams to help.
Bring HTs charged and ready for a fun event. It may be cool, so dress for the weather.
If there are any changes, I will let you know.
I will send a reminder email a few days before the event.
Thanks Darris k4rst


Sorry for the inconvenience but the 147.060 repeater is turned off
due to some issues with the repeater.



All you folks interested in participating in the Fox Hunt or Radio Direction Finding activities which KO4IYW is organizing for later this year, here is an opportunity to participate in a tape measure Yagi build workshop. The Rhea County Amateur Radio Club has invited us to join them on September 15th for their monthly meeting followed by the antenna building workshop. If you're interested in coming to the workshop, please let Matt KO4IYW know so he can give them a heads-up on the number to expect for the workshop. Below is a list of needed materials. Their club will have RG58 and PL259s on hand. This is a great opportunity to build that Fox Hunt antenna and fellowship with neighbor Hams.

Thank you Willard Sitton from WCARS/VEC for being our guest speaker at our monthly club meeting!!


Congratulations to Alison Walker KO4RZY on her upgrade to General!



Click this link "THANK YOU" to view the VEC Thank you letter for the

NoPone repeater antenna that was replaced on 6/24/22.

We want to give a big thank you to Charles Satterfield K4EZK

for the now active 2 meter (VHF) repeater at the Starr Mtn location.

This repeater is in the testing phase so please use to test it's range.

Repeater info: 146.8200 | -0.6 MHz | 141.3 / 141.3


Thank you for all that came out and those that helped with Field Day!
I hope you found it interesting, had fun and learned something new!


Field Day June 25 and 26 at Athens Regional Park.We will be setting up at the pavillion by the pond Everyone is invited.
Contesting will start at 1400hrs Saturday and continue until 1400hrs on Sunday.


The trailer will be at Athens Regional Park Saturday 6/18/22
at 10:30 for ARRL Kids Day. Breakfast at Hardees at 8am.


Please remember Tracy Carter and family in your thoughts and prayers.


Please remember Mike Elkins and family in your thoughts and prayers.


Please remember Mike Aikins WA4JKP and family in your thoughts and prayers.
Also remember Dale Williams N4KDW and family in your thoughts and prayers.


Remember Phil Prichard and his Son's family in your thoughts and prayers.



The Johnny McGrew exhibit is now on display at the Mcminn Living Heritage Museum.
It is located in Gallery Number 1.

Johnny McGrew, KD4RQ  and his wife Becky KK4UHT were members of the Mcminn Amatuer Radio Club for many years.
Johnny became a silent key Febuary 2022.



Don't forget this Saturday April 30 at 8am til 1pm the Cleveland Amateur Radio Club will have and open house with free tailgating outside (weather permitting). Come fellowship-sell-buy-trade meet ne hams. Concessions will be available for purchase. Prize drawing and free parking.Talk in repeater 147.180 tone 118.8.

 Contact information: Steve Weber - KA4ELN

phone: 423-593-8113 email:
Cleveland Amateur Radio Club
560 Johnson Blvd
Cleveland, Tn. 37311



CONGRATULATIONS to Tim Torres KO4ZDU on his upgrade to General class



Testing 4-17-22 at 3pm at Southern Homes' office @ 205 E. Madison Ave. Athens Tn.
You must have FRN # to take the test. See the "HAM LICENSE" tab on the website.




Congratulations to these Hams on their recent upgrade

Bryson Huckabey K4HVCC to General, Will Davis KO4WHD to General and Judy Baker KO4WEU to Extra

Congratulations NEW Technicians




April the 2nd at 9am there will be APRS training at the EOC next to the 911 center. Please RSVP with Dale N4KDW. He needs to see if we need to change venues.


There will be testing March 31st at the Baptist Association building 350 N. Congress Parkway Athens. Need all the VE's that can be there. Any class liscence. Upgrades welcome.





Starting Sunday March 6th. Everyone welcome!!



3 hams upgraded their tickets-
Judy Baker KO4WEU upgraded to General.
Randy Cannon W4RCX upgraded to General.
David Baker KG4OJL upgraded to Extra.



There will be a antenna basics class given by Gary Eiff W3GME March 5th 2022  9am at the Mcminn/Meigs Baptist Association350 Congress Parkway N , Athens TN. 37303



A class is being offered to help you get your Technician class Amatuer Radio Liscense. The class will start later February at a time to be determined by those in the class. If you are interested in more info, please contact Mike Farmer at There is no charge for the class. A study book is optional at a cost of $25. (per Bob KC4KUZ)



Thank you to all that participated in the Winter Field Day at Athens Regional Park! Despite the cold,we had a great time looking at everyones equipment and learning new things as well as making a few contacts. The food was great!! We had hotdogs, 2 different homemade chili and what appeared to be dutch oven beans! They were all dilicious and warmed us up! Also Mary Ann brought her famous "Mountain Topping" cookies. Kenny KC4OJS made it up the Cherohala Skyway where he operated from 3 different locations. Pictures of the event are the pictures tab.



Congratulations to Judy Baker KO4WEU on getting her Technician Class  Lisence!

Congratulations  to Mike Wilson KE4JJE on his upgrade to General Class Lisence!



Member Joe Guy's, KM4BFU, article on Mountain Topping on the Cherohala Skyway
is in this month's QST magazine (p 57). Check it out.



There will be Weather Spotter refresher class given at North Etowah Baptist Church this Saturday Jan. 22

at 9:00 a.m.

There will be testing after this class if you would like to test for your technician liscence or upgrade your current liscence.

Please contact Mike Elkins at if you want to test so we can make sure to have enough VE's.